As APIA (the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association) partners with Where Are Your Keys? on a new three-year language initiative with support from ANA (the Administration for Native Americans), the WAYK team returns to three communities: Atka, Anchorage, and St. Paul Island. These visits will provide additional training and support for members of the regional core team who attended previous WAYK workshops and participated in our Summer Language Intensive on St. Paul Island. The WAYK team will work with small groups of learners and speakers of Unangam Tunuu (Eastern Aleut) in St. Paul, Niigˆugˆim Tunuu (Western Aleut) in Atka, and both dialects in Anchorage. In each community the aim is increased fluency as well as developing lessons/curriculum along with teaching skills.
The WAYK team will be working with the Anchorage-based Niiĝuĝim Tunuu and Qawalangim Tunuu language teams, as well as being on hand at the Aleut Villages Conference (October 8-9) to assist with presenting and distributing information about APIA’s language projects, specifically the 2015 Summer Language Intensive on St. Paul Island, as well as during the 2015 Elders & Youth Conference (October 12-14).