Hello friends and fellow WAYK players!

I am very excited to offer some details of our upcoming event:

Nov. 5th and 6th at the Native American Center, Stanford University, Palo Alto Ca.

Presented by the Stanford Languages Club

The cost for this event is donation based. We are unclear at this moment how the University rules will apply to this type of presentation as it is landing in a strange grey area. This is nothing new for us at Where Are Your Keys? We often find it is a challenge for administrations to categorize what we do. We are working with them to find a solution to this issue but in the meantime please be prepared to bring your own money for food, lodging, and transportation costs. To cover the costs of the presenters, feel free to make a donation of food, food money, or gas cards. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to help us navigate this issue. The last thing we wanted to do was postpone this event. Languages are more precious than lunch money.

The schedule for the event is loose as we are open to a variety of possible language opportunities depending on who shows up. The most effective, interactive method for teaching the techniques of Where Are Your Keys? is to actually learn a language while learning the techniques. We have chosen Mandarin as the vehicle for Saturday’s presentation. On Sunday we will use what we have learned on Saturday to “hunt” or “pull” a different language from a fluent speaker. We will experience how quickly the new language can spread throughout a community of Where Are Your Keys? players who are using specific techniques learned just yesterday.

This weekend will be full of techniques for building strong vibrant healthy language communities as well as specific techniques for learning and teaching languages.

For now the schedule is:

Friday night:

6:00pm – 8:00pm dinner and presentation by the Stanford native student recruiter.

(bring your students)

Saturday: Community Building and WAYK techniques of accelerated learning and teaching.

8:30am – 9:00am light breakfast

9:00am -12:00 Where Are Your Keys? Mandarin!

12:00 – 1:00 lunch

1:00pm – 3:00pm Where Are Your Keys? Mandarin

3:00pm – 4:00pm Debrief and plan for tomorrow

Sunday: Community Language Revitalization!

8:30am – 9:00am light breakfast

9:00am -12:00 Where Are Your Keys? Latin? French? Cherokee? Salish? Cree?

12:00 – 1:00 lunch

1:00pm – 3:00pm Where Are Your Keys?

3:00pm – 4:00pm Debrief and plan for the future

Here is a list of the Stanford area hotels.


This link is a shuttle schedule for the university to and from area locations.

This may help those of you coming from out of town without a car.

Marguerite shuttle routes:



Written by Evan Gardner