[vimeo 14722295]
I really think we out-did ourselves this time – Evan and I finally may have brainstormed a format in which you can easily learn the core WAYK game via internet video. This video covers all the techniques needed to play a two to four person game. For larger groups, check out our supporting technique videos on “Lunatic Fringe” and “Angel on Your Shoulder“. These are part of a series of technique videos and it’s probably worth it to watch all of them if you are still confused by the end of the WAYK tutorial. Additionally, some of the short technique videos cover “game rules” not mentioned in this initial tutorial video. Here’s links to the “Fundamental Techniques of WAYK” videos:
Fundamental WAYK Techniques 1
Fundamental WAYK Techniques 2
Fundamental WAYK Techniques 3
Fundamental Techniques of WAYK 4Fundamental Techniques of WAYK 5
Fundamental Techniques of WAYK 6
Most importantly, remember: this video method of learning WAYK will only work if you “copy-cat” the sign, playing along with Evan as you watch. Remember, WAYK is not a learning game it’s a “copy-catting” game. Don’t try to memorize or “learn” the signs, just “copy-cat” along until you feel fluent! If you don’t get it the first time, play the video again and keep copy-catting. Since we’re not sitting next to you as you play, this is the one way you could struggle. It may sound crazy, but if you “try to learn” the sign language in this video, you’ll probably not do well. If you give in and just “copy-cat”, you’ll do great. If you wonder whether (or how) WAYK works, the only way to find out is to actually play! Give it a shot. As always, we are available for questions and would love to help you tweak your game.
By the end of this video, you’ll be able to have a simple conversation with an ASL speaker. Some of the signs used in WAYK are from SEE (Signed Exact English) or PSE (Pidgin Signed English), to make it easier to apply the game to spoken language, but no worries – an ASL speaker should be able to understand you, and with a couple tweaks, you’ll be learning their particular dialect.
You may also find it useful to use this video as a refresher if some time has passed since you played, and you feel a little rusty.
Cool. Don’t have time to watch the whole thing now, but this should be really helpful.
I’m still a little curious what the reason is for the tortured syntax, but I’m sure there is one… right?
I will definitely come back and watch this probably tomorrow after work.
You might also want to consider chopping this video into three parts or something, the duration might scare some folks off initially. People these days have short attention spans. And/or you could offer a download of the video (maybe for a small donation?) so people could watch it in whatever size chunks are convenient for them.
Unless of course the whole point is to not watch it in chunks.
Anyway, I’m sure this will be a tremendous help.
The “tortured syntax” is actually ASL grammar. This initial game teaches ASL conversation. Though Evan mentions it will work for English in the video, he still runs it assuming folks want to learn ASL grammar first.
The entire video should be downloadable from vimeo.com, if you click through to the vimeo site.
I’m glad it helps! Good hunting!
Perfect, I think I got it.
See, I knew there had to be a reason.
Thanks for the tip, I’ll DL it when I get home, that’ll be way more convenient.
And of course I’ll post any thoughts I have after watching.
I just realized I now have the sign for “I will rock you”.
Watching for the first time, loving it. How faascinating 🙂 At 40 minutes in now, and I’m full.
One problem I’m having. It’s unclear if I should be copy-catting all the mine/your conversations, or mirroring. i.e. when you say “you want my stick” should I copy cat that exactly, or rather say “I want your stick”.
Thank you for giving me your technique. (I could ASL that, amazing)
So much fun. Congratulations.
Thanks so much for your support, and you’re welcome! As for how to copycat the sign, any copycatting is good copycatting. For maximum clarity, copy-cat according to technique impersonate – pretend you are the one you are copy-catting, saying and signing exactly what they would.
But any copycatting at all will get you there eventually. 😉
I’ve so appreciated this my entry back into the game. The attention to detail must have taken a lot of work – great colour scheme, and the camera being perfectly placed for when Evan holds his hands up to show us a detail of the signing.
One thing that really clicked into place for me copycatting through this: when Evan took the game down into slow-motion, I could feel my fluency going up. Cool.
Video seems to be down, could the admins reupload it?
Where are the videos?
I’ll look into finding the videos and reattaching the links, but they might have been lost. If that’s the case, we may very well do this series again.
Links do not work will they be reposted soon?
For the links, add a “blog.” to the beginning of the URL.
Add “blog.” to the beginning of the URLs 🙂