An example of a party you might wish to attend here in PDX – hey, everybody loves Bhangra!

So, owing to our recent work with helping revitalize Ecclesastical Latin at Wyoming Catholic College, Evan and I finally decided to put  pen to paper and make a written USC road-map from zero to “Getting to the Party”. It’s been an “oral document” (as anthropologists like to say) up till now.

We’ve noticed that even good players seem to plateau after reaching “want/have/give/take” in a language (the current end of the WAYK USC), possibly because of a lack of clear direction on where to go next. We want you to feel that “wind in your hair” feeling all the way up the scale. That feeling of a breakneck, exhilarating scramble to Superior speech, with fluent conversation every step of the way, should never stop!

To this end, we’re sharing an initial USC that we hope you can apply to one of your target languages, and keep momentum going. Ideally, once you get to Intermediate-mid, the rest of the work in the language will be self-evident, as you plow through Advanced and into Superior. In any case, later on we can come back to to the issue of the roadmap of Advanced and Superior proficiency, and hit it again with a specific USC through that territory.

This “big picture” USC has way less detail than the “want/have/give/ take” USC, and assumes you know how to play (and know the techniques).

We’d love feedback on making it more accessible and clear. Please comment and ask questions. We’ve been discussing this roadmap on the WAYK google-group here – join in on the discussion!

Written by Evan Gardner