Technique: "Lunatic Fringe"

WAYK Podcast Episode 1
“the Squamish Language Team”

[direct download here]

Squamish Nation member Dustin Rivers hosted us recently in Vancouver, B.C., where we helped him share the WAYK game with his community during the Squamish Language Team Orientation night. The Squamish Language team is composed of community members committed to using the WAYK game to help revitalize their language. We had the chance to shoot video of the Squamish WAYK language game in action.

In this podcast, Evan and I debrief the experience on the drive back to Portland, OR (our home base), and harvest several improvements for how we run the game. This debrief process occurs after every game we run, and demonstrates why the games keep getting faster and faster every time we run them.

We speak extensively about the application of techniques “Accent” and “Let it go”, and how those applied to the Squamish language WAYK game we experienced in Vancouver.

Written by Evan Gardner


Jay Bazuzi

My brother-in-law teaches music. With a new piece of music, they start extremely slowly, get the notes exactly right, and only then speed up. Superficially, that sounds like the opposite of what you’re doing with WAYK. Actually, it’s not: it’s about learning things in the right order. But

Technique: Mumble as applied to new music might be to play only the dominant note from each measure first, at full speed, and then add in detail as you go.



As an absolute beginning player of the fiddle/violin, I’m discovering that technique “Accent”/”mumble” seems to apply by releasing the need to hit exactly the right note, andr encouraging me to keeping the rhythm and just focusing on hitting somewhere near the correct fingering and note.

I’ve followed a very WAYK path of learning to play so far, so this may mean something very different to me than to your brother-in-law. I’ve built up a lot of fluency with fingering before I even bothered to know particular notes.

I’m enjoying quite a bit exploring the roadmap of fiddle playing. It just fascinates the heck out of me.

Thanks for your comment, Jay.


Very cool, but how do I download the cast? Having to sit in front of my computer to listen to it defeats the purpose =

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