(April Charlo, Evan Gardner, and David Edwards with Warm Springs High School student John Katchia enjoying the meadow in the background)
71 minutes and 56 seconds.
Recorded July 22nd, 2011
In this episode, we introduce the “Where Are Your Keys?” Summer Institute of Play at the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs Indian Reservation, and the interns: April Charlo, David Edwards, and Sky Hopinka. We discuss some of our experiences so far using WAYK with the Numu language, working with seven Warm Springs high school students and working with each other.
5:51 – Extreme Haga
David tells the story of how Warm Springs student Courtney Fasthorse invented a game inspired by her favorite ride.
7:11 – Knives in the Sky
Students invented another game of where they lay on their backs to learn Numu. Discussion shifts to how learning while laying down was an accelerator. April was worried that lying on the ground wasn’t WAYK approved. Evan explains that WAYK promotes anything that accelerates learning languages.
21:00 -TQ: Sportscaster
David defines the new technique and how it was used that day.
21: 45 -TQ: I’m not a Genius, I’m a veteran
Evan and David discuss the invention of the new technique that helps people who feel like language acquisition is beyond their reach.
22:19 – TQ: Extreme TPR/Be Here Now
Sky discusses how using these techniques help save fairies
25:20 – Healthy Native Community Fellowship Tools
Evan discusses how April’s knowledge of the tools helped make an impact on the group.
31:07 – TQ: Party Boat
Evan discusses how he is beginning to notice that people around us want to get involved in what we are doing.
35:18 – Building a Community
April discusses Evan being supportive of her incorporating the Fellowship tools to build a community/family with the group, not just with the students but with the adults in the house.
39:46 – Culture Shock
David shares his experience of working on the Warm Springs Reservation and how he didn’t expect to have culture shock.
45:18 – Needs for next year
Evan shares his thoughts on how this month has affected him and how much he has learned for what could be bigger and better for next year.
52:58 – Questions: What changes have you seen in the students? What stands out the most in this system?
The group answers the questions in the order of Sky, David, Evan and April.
101: 16 – TQ: Wingman
While Evan answers the questions, he and David discuss how the students are confidently using technique Wingman.
107:19 Fellowship Tool: Group Agreements
April shares how the students reacted to the incorporation of the tool.
Yay! It’s about time we got another podcast ^_^