We set some (we thought…) reasonable but challenging goals for the weekend workshop and then proceeded to blast past them in the first day. Great, but dizzying!

Please download the February 20th/21st WAYK Workshop Charter, laying out the vision, mission, success indicators (and more!) of this weekend’s workshop. You’ll notice in the charter that we aimed to bring folks to running their own “want/have/give/take” games by the end of the workshop. We went beyond that deep into “Language Hunting” territory, creating a team of folks who could hunt language out of an “imaginary” last speaker for an hour. Really impressive, and we have to revamp (again) what we will aim for next time.

Also, check out this short list of beginning techniques we handed out for folks to take home.

Some feedback from our just finished workshop, February 20th and 21st, here in Portland, Oregon.

“Congratulations on an excellent workshop! Really excited to see this happen with many, many languages and can’t wait to increase fluency in sign language to use as a bridge. Yay for WAYK, as it brings inspiration for not only learning the many diverse languages living and breathing in the world, it also gives a spark to learning any skill that may cross one’s path.”

“Such a smooth, graceful workshop. Fluent! Always adjusting, always communicating, very nice. Excellent language choices, clear speech patterns. So impressed with your abilities to “set-up”, so incredibly thought out. I feel so blessed to have been included in this experience.”

“This is awesome. Karissa and I are going to take this back to Seattle and start running games. We also hope to use this at our school when it starts. We are so excited about this game’s promise. I can’t wait to see what we’ve done with it in a year. Thank you.” – Jeremy Lightsmith, Seattle, WA

“Thanks – that was awesome! What a useful workshop on language acquisition. I feel more empowered and conscientious about how I learn foreign languages. It was fun.” – Ryan Comandich, Portland, OR

“An intense workshop! I definitely feel “full”, but it’s a good feeling. Seeing how a foundation in the basics can cause fluency AND proficiency to explode exponentially was exciting beyond belief. I can finally start to see how I could actually use this to teach and learn languages/skills…”

“Just enough structure – lots of fun – great “set-up” of food, location, staff – real world practice in context and in manufactured settings – instructors modeled practice well, so it was easy to copy.”

“Thank you! I really appreciated the good structure of the workshop – good breaks, yummy lunch, balance of playing inside and outside, walking and sitting, leading a game and watching/following along, etc.”

Written by Evan Gardner


WAYK Podcast, Episode 4: Revitalizing Chinuk Wawa « "Where Are Your Keys?"™: The Language Fluency Game

[…] Playing with Ryan, a February Portland WAYK workshop […]

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