42 minutes and 56 seconds.
Evan, Peter, and Lisa gather for another Chinuk Night debriefing conversation.
1. Technique “Same Conversation”
- Peter and Evan collaborated on the conversation of “sharpening tools”
2. Technique “Craig’s List”
- Peter and Evan created a new CL, “How Do They Move”
3. Technique “Where Are Your Keys?”
- Lisa tells the story of learning Chinuk Wawa over the past month.
4. Technique “Killing Faeries”
- Peter stops translating new language immediately once new WAYK players have finished “want/have/give/take”.
- For example, Peter doesn’t translate “CL: Above, Below, In-Front-of…” when he brings it into play.
5. Technique “Slow/Fast”, “Parrot”, “Sing-a-long-Song”
- Peter describes how WAYK players dovetail all these techniques.
- Lisa describes the seamlessness and comfort of learning language this way.
6. Technique “We’ll All Get There Together”
- WAYK removes the spotlight.
- You’re not here to learn, you’re here to teach.
7. Technique “Language Hunting”
- Learning to teach is learning to hunt.
8. Technique “Último”
- Lisa has concerns about her experiences learning from first-time WAYK teachers.
- Evan shares these concerns
9. Techniques “Squatter’s Rights”, “Mr. Willem’s Wild Ride”
- Peter realizes he doesn’t understand the difference between “squatter’s rights” and “Mr. Willem’s wild ride”.
- Evan describes the difference between these two techniques.
- “Mr. Willem’s Wild Ride” indicates a lack of marking and explaining techniques (and making sure newbies teach soon), in favor of a rapid rise in language proficiency.
- “Squatter’s Rights” means pushing farther into new language territory, even if players aren’t fully fluent in the old territory yet.
10. Technique “Último”
- Evan describes the rationale behind having total WAYK newbies teaching right away.
11. Technique “Roadmap”
- Peter thinks the WAYK team should put a visual roadmap on the wall at the WAYK immersion house, and introduce each brand-newbie to it right away.
- Evan and Peter discuss what elements to include on the roadmap.
- Lisa talks about her resistance to attending Chinuk Wawa night.
12. Techniques “Killing Faeries”, “Abigail’s Antidote”
- Abigail invented an antidote to the death of a faery, by clapping them back to life, per the story of Peter Pan!
In the colors discussion, you mentioned that “pink” in Chinuk is “grey-red”.
Before the orange fruit appeared in the English-speaking world, our word for the color was “geoluhread” or “yellow-red”.
If a new player is surprised that color names aren’t universal, you can use this to help them see the fluidity of color names as being less foreign.